If your car breaks down and you do not have the cash to pay for the repairs, you may need to come up with a way to get the money you need quickly. Without a car, you will not be able to get to and from work, and this would put you in an even worse financial state. When this happens, there is an option — applying for a payday loan.
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Tips For Getting A Payday Loan When You Do Not Meet The Normal Requirements
Most cash advance lenders have several conditions applicants must meet in order to qualify for payday loans; however, there are ways you might be able to still get a payday loan if you do not meet these requirements. Here are three of the most common conditions required by most lenders that offer cash now loans and some tips to help you qualify for a loan even if you do not meet these conditions.
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Should You Get An Auto Equity Loan Or A Title Loan?
If you've recently found yourself in a temporary financial crunch, you may be looking for ways to access cash quickly to help avoid utility shutoff, eviction, or even foreclosure. If you don't have a steady job, a paycheck advance may be out of the question. However, you may still be able to tap the equity in a paid-off car by taking out a title loan or auto equity loan. Read on to learn more about the differences between these short-term loans, as well as your loan options if you already owe debt on your vehicle.
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4 Advantages Of Taking A Lump Sum Payment
There are numerous reasons why you or your company should take advantage of being given a lump sum payment rather than an installment plan where you receive cash on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly date. Although there are some conservative investors who will tell you that an installment plan is preferable to a lump sum payment, the fact of the matter is, if you are a responsible person with money, then a lump sum will offer you numerous advantages.
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