4 Things You Need to Know about Posting Bond

When a loved one ends up behind bars, the last thing you want is for them to stay in jail until they go to trial. That can be a really long process, and your loved one is going to be better equipped to stand trial if they are able to work on their defense from the comfort of their own home. In order to get your loved one out of jail, you'll need to post bond.

Bail Bond Is a Legal Document

First, you need to understand that a bail bond is actually a legal document. A bail bond is a document that you have to show to the courts in order to get your loved one out of custody. The bail bond doesn't just get your loved out of court; it also guarantees that your loved one will show up to all future court hearings. If your loved one fails to show up for a court hearing, a bench warrant will be put out for their arrest, and they will return to jail until their trial is complete.

Bail Amounts Are Set by the Court

Second, you need to understand that the bail amount is set by the court. The bail bond is a monetary amount that you have to pay. It is based on the alleged crimes that your loved one committed and the risk the court thinks your loved one possess if they were released on bail. In some states, there is a bail schedule that is used to set those amounts.

An attorney or bails bond person can often get the bond amount lowered; however, this is a process that takes place within the court. An attorney may be able to argue specific circumstances to lower the bail bond.

Bail Bond Has to Be Secured

Third, the bail bond has to be secured. This can be done via a direct cash payment if you have the money for that. Generally, you are not asked to put up the entire amount, you are asked to put up 10% of the bail amount.

If you don't have the cash to put down for collateral, you can secure the bail bond using other methods, such as with collateral via a bail bond company. Collateral can be your electronics, car, or even your home. It is important to remember that if your loved one doesn't show up in court and honor the agreement that you made with the court via the bail bond papers, not only will they go back to jail, but you will also lose the collateral that you put up. This process is in place to motivate the defendant to show up to court when they are let out on bond.

Bail Bond Can Be Returned

Finally, it is important to do realize that your bail bond will be returned if your loved one shows up for all of their court appearances. Your loved one doesn't have to be found innocent for the bail bond collateral to be returned to you, they just have to show up for the court process. When the defendant is charged or the charges are dismissed, you'll get the collateral back.
